Coloricombo September Challenge

Join us and celebrate creativity and colour with a special Coloricombo September event inspired by ten female artists and designers from the past.

I’m so excited to bring you another month-long Instagram challenge hosted together with Lori Siebert.

Carefully chosen colours from artworks by the ten artists are presented as colour prompts and shared every third day. Use the colours in addition to an optional darks and neutrals to create art in any way you like.

For a bit of added creative fun I have added ten themes to accompany the colours. All the themes start with the letter F, this is an optional way to explore colour combinations and you can mix them up to suit the colours in the prompts. Use the colours on their own or together with the themes as you see fit.

Follow along on Instagram to get the prompts every third day, or sign up here to get them sent to your mailbox. If you’ve already signed up for Esté’s Coloricombo you will receive them automatically.

Here’s the dates, featured artists and themes:

Please use #coloricombosept together with the usual #coloricombo tag when posting on Instagram for the September Challenge. There are prizes to be awarded by two judges and ourselves and the unique hashtag will help to find relevant posts.

The judges are Jennifer Livingston, Senior Product Designer at Demdaco and Jennifer Nelson of Jennifer Nelson Artists.


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