Only an April Fool would miss this!

Firstly, a big welcome to all the new subscribers to my mailing list.

I have just returned from Devon where I attended a five day art workshop. It is quite wonderful and invigorating to just jump in, try something new and be in the position of a student, learning new techniques and processes from another artist. I will tell you more about this experience in a forthcoming podcast.

Four Seasons

Would you like to join us?

Four Seasons starts tomorrow and you are invited to join the over 5,000 lovely people who have already registered for this FREE five day mini-course that will be delivered daily from 1-5 April.

The bite sized pre-recorded videos offer a perfect way to try out something new and learn more about how watercolour painting can be combined with gouache and aquarelle pencils to create layered tree-themed artworks.

This brand new mini-course is offered completely free.

I do this from time to time effectively as a taster course: a generous helping of different techniques and processes I use in my in-depth courses. It also shows the particular way in which I teach and the methodologies applied.

If the time isn't quite right, you can do it when it suits you, with access until the end of May.


Arboretum Examples


Four Seasons