The Secret Ingredient...
There are so many art courses offered online where you can learn a myriad of techniques by following a tutor’s instructions and by duplicating their processes to guarantee pleasing outcomes.
When I started teaching online courses back in 2015, I learnt three important lessons on how to offer my courses from a different perspective. I wanted to create courses that align with my own values and that offer the best way share my knowledge and experience as a practicing artist, rather than teaching a step-by-step processes.
The first lesson learnt was to shift the focus from painting instruction towards prioritising creativity. I adapted my teaching style to a way that emphasises the importance of individual creative development.
The second one, closely linked to the first, is the importance of drawing as part of the creative process.
(I’ll tell you the third one later.)
I discovered early on that when students feel connected to their own, unique way of creating, they quickly grow in confidence. And confidence is a fundamental component to develop artistically.
As an artist and teacher I believe all great artistic endeavours start with drawing. Plain and simple. Nothing big, pretty or elaborate - small thumbnail sketchbook drawings are good to get the ball rolling. I think of these as visual notations: thoughts and ideas jotted down in a notebook from which stories and artworks develop.
Not being able to draw isn’t an excuse. Everyone can draw in their own way. Drawing is key to the process of growing creatively and I’ve spend a lot of time exploring possibilities resulting in me developing a pretty nifty way to make drawing a fun part of learning.
The Creative Leap Method™
All of my online course have specific topics and themes, with materials and techniques incorporated in lessons together with clear guidance. In order to push creativity further and strengthen those personal connections, I’ve developed a drawing program based on something we all are familiar with: handwriting.
Handwriting is universal but it’s also personal and unique to each of us. With it’s authentic marks and forms, handwriting is an untapped creative source with endless possibilities.
The Roman alphabet and numerals are used in the Western world and beyond to communicate. By using the shapes of these symbols we have a fabulous source to develop our own vocabulary of expressive shapes and imaginative drawings from.
Handwriting = Drawing
I view handwriting as a form of drawing and this is where the magic happens. By turning numbers and letters into anchor points for drawings, it opens up a new world of discovery and is an entrance to the wonderful expanse of your own imagination.
I called this way of drawing the Creative Leap Method™ and have been using it all my courses and workshops since February 2016.
This is the secret sauce that helps students think outside of the box and to tap into their own imagination. It’s used for creative problem solving, expressive mark making and development of a wide variety of drawing topics.
By using this method of drawing, students explore ways to develop their own unique artistic voice. Students’ work becomes more authentic and clear as a result of using this alternative way of drawing.
In my courses, the Creative Leap Method™ is adapted and combined with different course programs. You’ll use new materials to explore techniques and develop a strong sense of colour, which results in new ways of creating and a clearer direction for your art practice.
It Works!
With thousands of students over the years, I’ve seen the success of this method and, as a teacher, it’s very satisfying to witness.
It’s the same method that I use in my own practice as a professional artist. For many students it’s been a game changer for kickstarting creative processes and as an ongoing tool, helping to clarify their unique style.
The Third Lesson
The third lesson I learnt is about the importance of fun! The best way to learn is when you have fun and you’re enjoy the creating process. Incorporating a playful attitude is crucial to your success!
It helps to overcome those feelings of preciousness, fear of the unknown or being stuck in a restrictive comfort zone. As Adam Braun says, “True self-discovery begins where your comfort zone ends.”
How Can I help You?
Take a look at the online courses I offer that all incorporate an element of the Creative Leap Method™.
Explore Abstracts I starts on 18 September 2023, click here for more information.